Position Report and other info UTC +10 (Sydney time)
Cut and paste the GPS location below into Google earth, you can place mark
This position and follow our Progress
France |
Sydney |
N Miles |
Sailing Days |
Date |
St Raphael, France |
0 |
6/10/2010 |
Start Date |
Gibraltar |
795 |
7 |
20/10/2010 |
Canary Islands |
740 |
5 |
30/10/2010 |
Cape Verde Islands |
784 |
7 |
8/11/2010 |
Antigua |
2202 |
15 |
2/12/2010 |
Panama |
1146 |
7 |
9/01/2011 |
Galapagos |
981 |
7 |
23/01/2011 |
Marquises |
3180 |
20 |
16/02/2011 |
Tahiti |
828 |
8 |
3/03/2011 |
Samoa |
1450 |
10 |
20/03/2011 |
Noumea |
1541 |
12 |
9/04/2011 |
Sydney |
1129 |
8 |
16/04/2011 |
Arrival Date |
14776 |
106 |
Sunday, 17 April 2011, 1030 Hrs
Cleared with Customs, Party Time at the CYCA
Thank you very much to ALL the crew who assisted on this trip. I look forward to you joining me again on another trip
Also PART 2 of the photo album has been updated
Saturday, 16 April 2011, 1300 Hrs
33 37 S, 153 50 E, Wind S 20-25 Kts. Current ETA Sydney heads Sunday Morning around 9am. At this stage its unclear how long Customs and Quarantine will take to clear us in however definitely looking forward to that “One Particular Harbour”
Thanks very much to the weatherman for such early warning and accurate analysis of the weather for the whole trip and especially for this last leg. The prediction of conditions leading up to the southerly that hit early this morning gave us ample time to get into the best position we could to allow a good course for what should (hopefully) be the last 24 hours into Sydney.
Friday, 15 April 2011, 1200 Hrs
32 04 S, 155 41 E, wind SW 15-20 Kts seas 2m damn it! Anyway only 240Nm to Sydney heads. An accurate ETA is not possible at this stage, I am still hopeful of Sunday afternoon however it is weather dependent and could easily be 24 hrs later at this stage. Currently we are on a course of due south which will hopefully give us a good angle for the heads when the southerly winds hit. These are due probably early Saturday morning. Will try to update Saturday afternoon when things are a little clearer.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011, 1100 Hrs
28 43 S, 159 13 E, A little over 500 Nm to Sydney heads. Wind E 5-10 Kts but starting to tend more to the South. Currently flying the Yanmar spinnaker. With the forecast mentioning some South in it current ETA is sometime Sunday. Fridays update should be a bit more accurate however as still a ways to go.

Something is Brewing!
Monday, 11 April 2011, 0900 Hrs
25 01 S, 162 38 E, Wind SE 15-20kts seas 2m. All well with the fishing lines set (not that we expect to run short on provisions for this leg)
Thanks Duane, yes we got the 30kts on the first night and a bit bumpy. All settled now as predicted. The wind not gone too much east yet but will make for the rhumb line direct at Sydney as soon as it does and the sea abates a bit more. I guess we may have winds quite variable in strength and direction as we close in on the coast? Hopefully will hear back from you soon that the position report and website is back up and running again.
Saturday, 9 April 2011, 1000 Hrs
Leaving Port Moselle on final leg to Sydney. Thanks for the comprehensive weather update Duane hopefully will end up a fast trip of around 8 days

Saturday, 2 April 2011, 2100 Hrs
22 16.7, 166 25.9, Anchored off Port Moselle.
Phew, that was hard.
Friday, 1 April 2011, 1030 Hrs
22 08 S, 170 02 E, Now 200 Nm from Noumea, wind SE 15-20 Kts (finally) Current ETA Saturday afternoon. We will probably not be able to clear customs etc before Sunday morning so relief (when is your flight?) crew may need to go to an all night dance party or something before joining the boat. Will probably have phone service on my Australian phone by Saturday evening. We will be going to Port Moselle to clear customs etc.
Had been discussing the origins of the saying “kill the messenger” shortly after receiving a message from Duane last night that the southerly we had hoped for would not be coming. Fortunately the wind kicked in unexpectedly so we have let the weatherman off the hook. PS thanks for the last update just now. We are using what we have while it lasts.

It’s not all Tuna in the sea
Wednesday, 30 March 2011, 1230 Hrs
21 20 S 174 11 E, Plagued by light E winds around 7 kts, 12 when we are lucky. Turning into a slow trip. The Southerly winds are 2 days in front of us so I expect they will be gone by the time we get there. Fuel is too low to motor on in.
Everyone, Please remember only 160 characters per message, includes your email address so let’s say 120 Characters. Do as Duane does, write it out then cut it into several emails without subject etc. Also am going broke answering questions on the Sat phn since the storm so if I can answer them here it will help my wallet.
David you will have to inspect our work when you arrive but will need to change oil and filters on the main engine and generator. Am sure the parts for the main are readily available in Noumea but would not be so certain of the generators. Can’t afford to wait or chase them down so if you are able in your travels to find oil and fuel filters it would be appreciated. Onan genset, model MDKUB 2232G, 5.5 Kw oil Filter no. 35151 or 185-5801 , fuel FE0062 klaxcar or 149-2106 Thanks, let me know how you go.
The “Moth” (known for his ability to sail rings around any light, fixed or flashing) will not have full internet till I arrive, perhaps on the way in but will get to your request ASAP
Dinah, Just thought I would mention you in dispatch’s!
Monday, 28 March 2011, 0900 Hrs
19 22 S, 176 59 W, wind W 10 Kts course 200 M. Duane stop teasing us, promising some easterly flow then taking it away from us again! Anyway making the most of it with full sail up and finally some hatches open to air things out. The revised forecast may effect our ETA a bit so will be in touch with the “Moth” and David (must get you a nickname) later on.
To the safety officer, Kevin, now that the storm is far enough away I would like to go back to regular 48 Hour reporting from now, meaning the next update will be on Wednesday. Please confirm this so I know you won’t be sending Search and Rescue out after us.
Andy, thanks again for the news and sports update, go the dragons!
Sunday, 27 March 2011, 2100 hrs
18 52 S, 177 38 E, wind now 15kts NW. Slow progress in the right direction as the wind has been too much from the west until now. Hopefully it will swing further to the north and perhaps a bit east so we can start making some miles again.
The worst I believe has passed several days ago and all is well on board. Catching up on sleep and getting things in order is now my main concern so will revert back to normal reporting in the next day or so once the storm has moved sufficiently away from us. Thanks Kevin for your concern and messages, will advise in tomorrow mornings report.
Robert (The Moth) I am not sure if you have received my messages? Current ETA Noumea April 1st or 2nd and hope to be underway again after that (weather permitting) by about the 5th if we can manage it. May need some engine spares at Noumea so will advise the part no’s. etc.
Will be in touch again in the morning.
0900 Hrs
18 45 S, 178 06 W, All well, spent the last 24 hrs tacking through the south islands of Fiji keeping out of the swell, seas and stronger winds.
Saturday, 26 March 2011, 1200 hrs
18 03 S, 178 58 E, 30 Nm East of Suva. yes we lost a day and gained an hour. Note time and date change.
Have been skirting the edge of a depression (I think it’s called “Bune”) It wasn’t on any of the forecasts I saw before departing Samoa. Duane saw it but it at first started to dissipate. Seems it changed its mind and started to intensify again and head south for a chance to wreak havoc. Anyway we are all fine. The weather has temporarily eased but we still expect more fun. (this equates to lack of sleep, wet and extremely hot as hatches below need to be fastened) Currently assessing the forecasts and boat and crew condition but at this stage I expect we will now push on towards Noumea. Amazingly my computer has survived five flights and crash landings, the screen is hanging on barely by a thread. Will update when and if able.

After The Storm
Wednesday, 23 March 2011, 1000 hrs
15 53 S, 177 55 W, wind 20-30 Kts NW, Gusting to 40 Kts, seas 3-4 M Driving rain. Have not changed dates and lost a day yet. Too bad we can’t loose one of the last two. It has now been 48 hours of the above conditions which were described in our forecast as “Benign” May not be able to update again if these conditions continue as its unlikely the computer or other equipment will survive another fly through the cabin.
Monday, 21 March 2011, 1300 Hrs
14 33 S, 174 37 W, Wind N-NW 10-15 Kts, picked up slightly in the last few hours. Well under way again.
It’s around 300 Nm to the dateline. Haven’t yet thought about exactly when but soon we will loose a day and suddenly be ahead of Sydney time. Stay tuned
Saturday, 19 March 2011, 1200 Hrs
13 49.652 S, 171 45.577 W, Leaving Apia Harbour. Took some 5 hours yesterday to clear out so after a good night sleep we are off again. Too bad it takes so log to check in and out again as it really ruins plans to make this a provisioning stop along the way. Next stop is hopefully Port Vila, Vanuatu provided the earth has stoped Quaking there? If not we go to plan B instead. Hopefully the weather watchers will keep me advised along the way.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011, 1400 Hrs
Finally cleared yesterday afternoon. Communication problems between the authorities so I eventually went to the immigration office and spent over an hour making us legal. An electrician has fixed our charging problems and Simon is currently servicing a winch that’s been playing up. Hopefully will be provisioned tomorrow so can start clearing out again.

Monday, 14 March 2011, 1600 Hrs
Still waiting for immigration to clear us into the country more than 24 hrs after arrival. Disgusting. My last visit to Samoa if I can help it.
Sunday, 13 March 2011, 1330 Hrs
13 50 S, 171 46 W, Anchored in Samoa and probably held captive until clearance on Monday. Will update when internet and freedom is available.
Friday, 11 March 2011, 1200 hrs
12 55 S, 167 17 W. Certainly an eventful last 18 hours or so. Especially for Japan I guess. It started for us with Kai finally landing a large tuna. This gets me out of cooking tonight as he has studied some recipes for Poisson crux and is keen to try them. We are also low on provisions so it beats tinned tuna and pasta which was on the menu.
By 7pm reports started coming in from Duane, Andy and Dinah on the earthquake in Japan and subsequent tsunami warnings. After a few phone calls and emptying the sat phn mailbox several times (it only holds 30 messages) we started to receive regular updates on the situation and likely times of waves in our area. Fortunately we were in more than 5600 meters of water so the chance of us noticing a significant wave in the dark was remote.
I listened when able to, to radio Australia and in between spent the night adjusting sails. I think Simon will need to be taken off watch duty because every time he gets the helm he steers us into a 40 knot rain squall. In fact he is again up there dripping wet with my turn to relieve him.
So thanks to all who sent messages, Dinah, Andy, Phillipa, Jane and of course Duane. Thanks also Duane for updating us on Kirribatti where Penny’s mother currently resides, hopefully all is well there.
Now one last thing, SHEEPY! It looks like we will be landing in Samoa on Sunday. As you know that means we will probably be held prisoners aboard until Monday sometime. Can you organise any of your “inlaws” to smuggle some beer down to the boat? Also do you know any “sparkies” as we are having trouble charging the batteries currently. It’s probably just a fuse but I can find it at the moment?
Wednesday, 9 March 2011, 1300 Hrs
12 57 S, 163 19 W, Wind 10-15 E. Thanks for sending the wind back on schedule Duane. All is well with not much to report except still no fish!
Monday, 7 March 2011, 1200 Hrs
14 24 S, 160 03 W, Wind N-NE 5-10 Kts. Currently under engine. Some sailing occasionally when there is a little bit more breeze. More wind has been promised for Tuesday which is a good thing as not keen on burning too many resources with so far still ahead. Duane, wasn’t sure about your last part of the message yesterday. We have been “coming up” as high as 330 M at times to INCREASE the apparent winds not “bearing away” Anyway that’s of little consequence at our current low speeds.
Saturday, 5 March 2011, 1300 Hrs
15 48 S, 156 07 W. Wind E at 10 Kts. Settling back into the routine. Thanks for saying we could Rhumb line it Duane but it looks if the wind stays light we will have to go a bit north to keep the apparent wind happening.
Thursday, 3 March 2011, 0900 Hrs
Leaving Bora Bora, but delayed due to a minor hiccup. Next stop Samoa.
Thanks again Duane for the weather info. Will try to stay North as much as possible. I don’t like the look of those lows off Oz next week but to Samoa still looks fine.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011, 1200 Hrs
16 31.7 S, 151 44.7 W, Alongside the Jetty at “Bloody Mary’s” to take water on. Provisioned and fuelled up and almost ready to leave. The crew are ashore on a mission but hope to depart in a few hours or at least by this evening. Getting access to the internet (extremely slow, expensive an unreliable) has been the biggest mission to date in French Polynesia.

Kai and Penny on Bloody Mary’s Jetty
Tuesday, 1 March 2011, 00.15 Hrs
16 29.33 S, 151 45.7 W Bora Bora Yacht Club.
Getting final preparations for departure in order. Sorry for the lack of updates. Have better access to internet now so will update everyone in a few hours.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011, 1145 Hrs
17 32.4 S, 149 34.2 W Papeete Harbour
Damn paperwork but very shortly will be getting drunk and falling over. Hope not to hurt myself!
Monday, 21 February 2011, 1200 Hrs
15 06 S, 145 45 W In amongst the Tuamotu Islands with about 280 nm to Tahiti. Wind 20 Kts from the East so making some good but slightly uncomfortable ground. Thanks Duane for the info. Will be giving you a call from Port at the first opportunity. Andy still waiting for the Mango chutney recipe!
Sunday, 20 February 2011, 1600 Hrs
Weather report received from Duane
Peter expect winds to stay all way to Tahiti with a softening if u take too long. Not bad weather for your but there is a depression |
Over Vanuatu that is powerful and will turn into a cyclonic bomb as it moves south towards nz. No threat to you guys at all |
but it is a severe, very tight bomb and the sort of thing that we need to consider on route route info Australia, all cells of late are |
forming about Fiji or Vanuatu I agree with you staying north high in latitudes, but to me anything under 10dg is fraught with risk |
Seen 3 cyclones at sea grow at the same time, but because they crossed no land, no one cared or noticed. It is the worst season seen peter |
Thanks Duane, put a hold on them a while will you?
Saturday, 19 February 2011, 1400 Hrs
11 56 S, 142 22 W Wind now easterly at 15 Kts so pleasant sailing despite a slow start. Only 550 Nm or so to Tahiti where shore services like LPG etc are easily obtainable. The marquises islands are plentiful in fruit which we obtained free from a friendly barman. My mother would be horrified to see so many mangoes going over the side but we are unable to eat them as quick as they ripen. There’s a potato sack full of grapefruits as well as limes, lemons, oranges, breadfruit and several that I have no idea what their names are. And yes we have no bananas!
Wednesday, 16 February 2011, 1200 Hrs
8 54.88 S, 140 05.97 W Leaving Nuku Hiva this evening for Tahiti. Update in around two days.

Nuka Hiva
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Anchored somewhere, just finally got internet. Be in touch soon
Saturday, 12 February 1600, Hrs
8 55 S, 139 52 W, Just 14 Nm from our anchorage in Taiohae Bay, Nuka Hiva. ETA 1900 Hrs Sagres time or 1730 Hrs Marquises time. Yeah Ha! Almost back on land. Will update in a day or two as soon as regular internet is available. Unless AMSA gets an EPIRB from this area please assume a safe landing except for any nasty alcohol induced falls.
Not a bad passage in all. Thanks Duane for your timely weather updates and Andy for your “news in brief” SMS service. As previously mentioned the auto pilot repair was not very successful. This then put additional strain on the steering when the weather was heavier so the welding (perhaps they only brazed them) on both wheels is again cracked. My theory is that the workers at the stainless company and the hydraulic shop in panama are off duty taxi drivers!
Which, if you have been following the log, brings me to they question re Panamanians in “Star Trek”. The answer is obviously that “they wont work in the future either!”
Thursday, 10 February 2011, 1230 Hrs
7 38 S, 134 36 W, wind 15-20 E, seas up to 3m. No just 335 Nm to go and counting. Current ETA is sometime Saturday. The wind has stayed with us and the food and fuel has held out.
The things you discuss at the Balboa Yacht Club, ever wondered why in “Star Trek” many nationalities from the world are represented yet there are no Panamanians?
Tuesday, 8 February 2011, 1400 Hrs
8 10 S, 129 26 W, wind E at 18-23 Kts. The wind has stayed with us so it’s very pleasing to be making good speeds again. Just over 600 Nm to Nuka Hiva. All is well, plenty of flying fish of which Kai cooked up one yesterday for his breakfast. Hopefully he will get over his tunaphobia and go back to catching something more edible.
Duane will email from Nuka Hiva and call from Tahiti re planned route to Sydney.

Sunday, 6 February 2011, 1230 Hrs
7 49 S, 124 14 W, Now under 1/3rd of the way to go, finally the wind is back, E at 15 Kts so speed and course have improved. Looking forward to a pina colada under some palm tree.
Yes Andy it must have been something we ate that gave us wind!
Friday, 4 February 2011, 1200 Hrs
6 37 S, 121 16 W, wind East at 10 Kts. Very slow going. Resorted to hoisting the Yanmar sails overnight but back to sailing a slow zig zag to our destination. Not a lot of wind expected according to Duane until Monday night so the middle third of this leg looks a little painful. Sorry to Kevin I didn’t realise you were a bit of a storm chaser as well! Maybe they can name the next cyclone after you? Will have a word with them but you may need to change your name to Zorro or something?
Wednesday, 2 February 2011, 1200 Hrs
5 19 S, 117 15 W. Wind SE 15 Kts Course now back to 150 º M after running with the wind for a couple of days to keep us North as suggested by Duane. The wind angle meant we travelled further north than needed but now we are back to the rhumb line course which helps our VMG’s. Yesterday we celebrated passing he half way mark so extended happy hour and adjusted our clocks back an hour. Am interested to hear the news from our Cyclone watchers Duane and Andy.
Monday, 31 January 2011, 1200 Hrs
6 15 S, 111 55 W, wind SE 13 Kts, sea 0.5 m. Sunny and great conditions. Course now 260º M (270º T) Just under 1700 Nm to go so not quite half way as yet. All is well.
Thanks for the weather update again Duane, sounds like Queensland needs to change its slogan to “Beautiful one day, disaster the next”.
And Andy your message was truncated at the end, so who did win the tennis? Was that on purpose? Are you just messing with our minds? Note the 160 Character limit includes the email address.
Saturday, 29 January 2011, 1300 Hrs
5 39 S, 107 11 W, Wind has died off a little, currently 5-10 Kts from SSE. Progress has slowed but doing well as now some 1000 Nm behind us so one third of the way to the Marquises. Thanks Andy for your message which I read as the crew was landing our biggest Tuna yet. When you said to catch a Tuna for you did you mean you would like us to bring it back for you? I’m now counting on Duane to send us some wind from the east so I can open the forward hatch’s and try to dry the damp from Panama out.
Happy Birthday Dinah, even though it’s the 30th in Australia we are still celebrating here for the next 11 Hours!

Simon with “Andy’s Fish” We were unable to land any of the whales or Dolphins we also saw today.
Thursday, 27 January 2011, 1300 Hrs
4 12 S, 101 30 W, Wind South at 15 Kts. Making good progress and all is well. Some 700 Nm behind us with 2300 Nm to Go. Sorry I could not be home for the Australia Day celebrations!
Tuesday, 25 January 2011, 1200 Hrs
02 51 S, 95 35 W, wind S 10 Kts, now 350 Nm from Galapagos. Averaging around 6.9 Knots of boat speed with a little rain at times but generally quite pleasant. After loosing several lures and a fishing reel we finally landed two Tuna yesterday. It seems enthusiasm for fishing has waned a bit today but am sure this will change as the need to supplement our provisions increases in the next week or so.
Sunday, 23 January 2011, 0830 Hrs
Leaving Galapagos. Sorry for lack of updates however time and internet has been very difficult.
Monday, 17 January 2011, 0245 Hrs
0 44.83 S 90 18.5 W, Galapagos Islands!
Saturday, 15 January 2011, 1200 Hrs
01 20 N, 86 38 W, Now just 200 Nm from Galapagos. Wind S at 15 Kts and finally the sun is shining. It has been very wet since leaving Panama and to add to it the damn autopilot is again refusing to play after two repair jobs by Raymarine technicians. I don’t expect its worth a third attempt at repair in Galapagos so will perhaps wait till Tahiti or even Sydney and hopefully find someone competent at their job. At least now we are hoping to not have to tack so much as the wind is now at a better angle to give us an ETA of Sunday evening.
Thanks for the news report Kevin. I feel like we are in QLD surrounded by water in all 3 dimensions. Have not had much info on things back in Oz since leaving. Apart from some updates from Andy on Sydney Hobart race etc. a few weeks ago. Oh yes there have been Whales, dolphins and other strange critters but so far the fish have one of our lures so its one nil to them I guess.

Panama was so humid too long there has sent everything mouldy! Look at my new shoes! AARRGGG
Thursday, 13 January 2011, 1230 Hrs
03 30 N, 84 27 W, Approx 390 Nm to the Galapagos. Wind S 13 Kts so it’s been close hauled most of the way with a lot of rain. So far this morning we have had 2 fishing boats come within meters of us in small open boats some 350 Nm from the nearest port. They waved as we went past but unlike 3 years ago didn’t approach and ask for beers wearing beanies and balaclavas. I guess there must be a larger mother ship around as I can’t imagine they could carry enough fuel for a return trip out here?
Tuesday, 11 January 2011, 1200 Hrs
03 52 N, 80 44 W, 35 Nm East of the Colombian island of Malpelo. Wind 12-15 Kts from the South. Currently 250 Nm from Panama and another 650 Nm to the Galapagos. All is well, thank you for your messages Frank.
Saturday, 8 January 2011, 1300 Hrs
Finally fully provisioned, fuelled and officially cleared out of Panama! Looking forward to leaving and getting some miles behind us. Will update every second day or so with our position.
Monday, 3 January 2011, 1200 Hrs
Still at Balboa moored off the Yacht Club. My third Crew member arrived on New Years Day so final preparations to leave can now get underway. More provisions, fuel and water to be taken on board then final clearance can get underway. Looking forward to exiting this place as the beaurocratic procedures and the Taxi drivers with their hands in my pocket are really getting to me.
Saturday, 25 December 2010, 1630 Hrs
Merry Xmas everyone.
08 56.1 N, 79 33.3 W, Moored off Balboa Yacht Club.
Its now Boxing Day in Australia so I assume a lot of friends are either competing or going down to the CYCA to watch the Sydney to Hobart yacht race start. Good luck to all, I really wish I could be there however currently I’m stuck here whilst I try to organise another crew member. Have been badly let down by a few prospective crew but I won’t go into the details today. Hopefully will get a crew by New Years?
Sunday, 19 December 2010, 1400 Hrs
Will be leaving Shelter Bay Marina in a few hours for anchorage at “The Flats” commencement of the Canal transit will follow a few hours later with the first lock (“Gaten”) should be entered around 20-2100 Hrs. After that I expect we will anchor in the lake until morning when we will then continue on through the lake to the next locks (“Mira Flores”) down to the Pacific. It is possible that you may be able to view “Sagres III” on the canals web cam’s however I am not able to say exactly what time these will occur.
Go to Pancanal.com and look under multimedia.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010, 1500 Hrs
Have just had the Admeasurer on board so tomorrow hopefully we will have a transit date. Yeah!!!
Friday, 10 December 2010 1400 Hrs
Ah yes now I remember Panama. Still sitting on the boat as I have to wait another hour before I can check in at the marina. Then comes countess visits to the different authorities to clear into the Country. Being Friday afternoon I doubt I can lodge an application (and bond) at the canal authority till Monday now and who knows when I will be able to book a transit. It seems that all the debris in the water was due to flooding here in the canal. The canal has been closed because of it. Apparently the first time in over 20 years. Some have said it’s not been closed in almost 100 years? Anyway it’s good to be tied up despite the deluge of water pouring from the sky
Thursday, 9 December 2010, 2130 Hrs
09 22.05 N, 79 57.02 W, Shelter Bay Marina. We have arrived after a rather tiring 24 Hrs. The wind and rain really kicked up and came forward of the beam. Lots of floating debris in the water, whole trees to be avoided. A huge relief to be tied up at the Marina. It seems that the position report did not update correctly for some people? Please advise if this was the case as I am not sure if it was just a case of your “cache” not being cleared or a problem at my end?
Wednesday, 8 December 2010, 1200 Hrs
11 40 N, 76 52 W, Wind 20 Kts NE, Sea 1.2 M, Rain clearing but heaps.
Around 230 Nm to Panama. Have been making some good speeds the last few days. Hopefully will keep it up and be in Panama (Shelter Bay Marina) Thursday night. May have to wait till Friday morning to enter depending on arrival time. I have been advised that this position report may not have been getting updated? Will check when I upload this shortly hopefully this will go into the right directory or upload as expected. Otherwise you are reading this after our Panama arrival?
Monday, 6 December 2010, 1200 Hrs
14 23 N, 71 21 W, Wind NE 20 Kts, Sea to 1 M. Have lifted our average speed over the last 48 Hrs. Currently there is a little under 600 Nm to Panama. Again we are hand steering as our Raymarine technician in Antigua did not solve our autopilot problem as hoped. At least the crew should be a bit more alert as we approach Panama as the number of vessels will sighted will increase significantly the closer our approach. Thanks for your well wishes Frank (Eagle) yes English Harbour is a lovely spot to visit. The Museum and restorations that have occurred over recent years have really done history justice.
Saturday, 4 December 2010, 1200 hrs
15 34 N, 65 46 W, Wind NE 15 Kts. Slowish first 24 hours but the breeze has picked up a little overnight and so has our pace. Nothing to report. Fishing line is out and the day’s discussion centres around what food will be consumed tonight. Situation normal.
Thursday, 2 December 2010, 1200 Hrs
Underway again. Very difficult place to leave especially after having to spend so long at sea to get here. Finn and Charlie I will put some more photos’s up when I get to Panama in a week. Hopefully your interest will not have disappeared by then. Next update in approximately 2 days.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010, 1100 Hrs
Final Preparations just completed to leave for Panama. As usual it seems it’s been difficult to find a chance for updates whilst in Port. We spend so much time preparing that by the end of the day you just need to relax. Anyway as expected Antigua has been fun for some R&R
Sorry for not updating the position report page. My error but did update the Log page. Duane I thought we agreed not to call search and rescue until you checked our whereabouts with the local constabulary!
Sunday November 28, 2010

BEWARE, these two persons were observed approaching the bar at Shirley’s Heights and allegedly did not buy the Skipper a drink !
Wednesday, 24 November 2010, 1140 Hrs
17 00.49 N, 61 45.84 W, Nelson Dockyard Marina, Antigua.
Yes we made it safe and sound!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010, 1200 Hrs
16 36 N, 58 44 W, Wind NE 20 Kts, seas to 1.5 m Just 170 Nm to go, with this weather expected to continue will hopefully arrive in Antigua tomorrow afternoon. With luck there may be decent internet close to the boat so will update again when able.
Sunday, 21 November 2010, 1230 Hrs
15 52 N, 53 02 W, Wind ENE 15 Kts, down to 500 Nm to go. The wind slowly built yesterday afternoon and was reaching up to 20 Kts by midnight. Finally we are able to estimate an ETA of Wednesday (ish) at this point.
Friday, 19 November 2010, 1200 Hrs
15 00 N, 48 06 W, Wind E 5kts, Glassy sea. Yes Duane had been under engine approx 4 hrs when your message came in last night. You know me as soon as the engine is on it’s the Rhumb line. Will try not to creep too far north ahead of your change on Saturday evening. All is well except it’s damn hot with engine running and no wind. 770 Nm to Antigua!
Wednesday, 17 November 2010, 1200 Hrs
14 00 N, 43 46 W, HALF WAY from Cape Verde. Wind E15 Kts. Hoping this wind will stay in and we can continue on the current course as at least it feels like we are getting somewhere at last. Have so far travelled around 120 Nm extra chasing the wind. Thanks again Duane, he has still warned us not to get too far north just yet. (Fish or Wind?) Anyway all is well with no signs of Cabin Fever to report.
I understand the Andreae girls have been plotting our position on a chart. In that case can you work out how far approximately and what direction we are from the nearest land at the moment? Let me know Via SMS if you can. Don’t forget 160 characters maximum which includes spaces and your email address and no subject line please.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010, 1500 Hrs
13 32 N, 41 37 W, wind ENE 15 Kts
Thanks Kevin, I’m glad Google Earth shows water all around us. Yes a bit boring but have been reading a book called “Atlantic” and have been concerned about Sea Monsters or even sailing off the edge of the planet. I Can at least sleep soundly now after your reassurance.
PLEASE NOTE A TIME CHANGE from UTC -1 (was showing +1 in error on this page)
Monday, 15 November 2010, 1230 Hrs
13 53 N, 39 14 W, Wind ESE 12 Kts. Calm
Apparently Duane was sending us south for better fishing. Not much to report except we had a visit from a rather dilapidated looking fishing? Vessel yesterday. They approached us within around 100 m, followed us, and then turned away. Perhaps it was the no’s and scary look of my crew that scared them off? Who knows? No radio contact was made by them and I had no desire to engage with them either. Oh yes and the autopilot has gone on strike. Looks like hand steering to Antigua at least till we can get a Raymarine technician to take a look at it. Apart from that it was a highlight of the day to receive some SMS messages particularly from the Eagle / Andreae clan in the UK. Thank you I trust all is well.
Saturday, 13 November 2010, 1230 Hrs
14 01.2 N, 33 59.1 W, Wind E 15 Kts. Had another frustrating 24 Hrs with little wind so slow progress again. Somehow the weatherman keeps changing our waypoints and wants us to get to 14 N now which again we have done. Can we head for the Caribbean yet? Perhaps that’s it I didn’t tell him we’re going Via Panama and not the Cape? This time Nick (the Labrador) has pulled in a nice sized Dolphin Fish for Dinner. Also a special “HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY” to FRANK EAGLE for yesterday, although I understand the celebrations are continuing over this weekend.
Thursday, 11 November 2010, 1130 Hrs
15 31 N, 29 44 W, Wind ESE 17 Kts, Sea 0.5 M. Finally we seem to be far south enough and the breeze is starting to settle. We have had a fairly calm 48 Hrs and not wanting to use the fuel reserves too early on have been moving slowly in the direction of Duane’s recommended waypoint of 15 degree N and 35 Degree W.
So your estimated position last night Duane was approx 80 Nm further down the Rhumb line than we were. Since then however we are back up to speed so I expect now we will start racking up the miles.
Frank caught his second fish this morning and is feeling pretty lucky. Perhaps Sam you should buy him a lottery ticket because if luck comes in three’s then we have ample fresh fish for now. Also thanks Simon for your message however the last few lines were cut short? I assume you may already of commenced your crossing but be back in touch when you can.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010, 1230 Hrs
16 55 N, 27 08 W, wind ENE 7Kts, Sea Calm. Back under engine again since early this morning. We have now settled back into the on board routine. My apologies for not updating yesterday but we had a very busy last 2 days.
Monday, 8 November 2010, 1600 Hrs
Leave Cape Verde Islands. Unfortunately I was unable to find a suitable battery replacement so after testing the 3 remaining House batteries under load and based on Craig’s previous advice have set off again with a reduced amount of battery capacity. So far the amount of charging required has not changed so the faulty battery now removed from the bank had been drawing most of the charge as Craig had suggested. Based on the amount of demineralised water on board I expect this battery may have been on the way out for some time.
Sunday, 7 November 2010, 1800 Hrs
17 19 N, 25 07 W, just over 25 Nm from the Cape Verde Islands, current ETA approximately 0130 Hrs
After running the engine for around 48 Hrs the floor above the batteries was noticed to be extremely hot. On inspection one of the batteries had a large amount of acid leaking and was still bubbling away. After consulting with a boat electrician in Sydney (thanks Craig for accepting the late night call) we set course for Cape Verde Islands to try to find a replacement.
1500 Hrs
19 31 N, 25 57 W, wind 15 Kts ENE, sea 0.5m Yes Duane the wind finally started to come in this morning. Thanks for such a detailed update. Will be interested in the outcome of the depression coming out of the Caribbean. We had the choice of NW or Southerly course sailing in around 7 Kts of wind so fortunately took the southerly course and as expected are starting to get the winds for our westward leg. As Duane agreed we needed to get below 20 Degree North for this which we have done.
Friday, 5 November 2010, Thursday, 4 November 2010, 1100 Hrs
24 00 N, 25 03 W, Wind N 8 Kts , sea calm swell less that 0.5m. Just turned off the engine after around 24 hrs with variable winds. Current course is 270 M whilst the wind remains light trying to keep some apparent wind happening. OK Forget the last line, the crew have just started the engine again as the puff of wind didn’t last very long. Back to a course of 245 M.
All is well on board currently but it is only day 5. The reality of having no choice in the menu is yet to sink in with the fussy eaters as the fresh food starts to disappear. I think there are currently ample books on board which hopefully will keep the crews minds occupied.
Thank you Dinah (and her Dad Frank) for following our progress. A Pod of Dolphins arrived as I read your SMS message this morning.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010, 1000 Hrs
26 05 N, 21 58 W, The last 24 hours has been E-NE wind 15 – 25 Kts and have been sailing with the headsail poled out (Goosewinged)
Thanks again Duane, as mentioned I have a waypoint at 20 N, 30 W This was obtained from the pilot books as approx how far west the Canary current (SW set ) extends before turning west and becoming the North equatorial current (westerly set) The trade winds should be established here if we are not too early. They do advise that in good winds its no problem to cut the corner so your suggestion of 22 N and even as far west as 40 W is probably going to be spot on the mark assuming the winds hold as we hope. Being still around 650 Nm to my current waypoint I will for the time being keep tracking approx that direction and hopefully cut the corner should it still look good to do so in a few days. The wind has been more easterly than I expected so our course has still been around 255° M rather than the 245° M planned. Currently the wind has dropped off to 5 Kts W so we are under motor on 245° M ( perhaps a local cell we are in as predicted should be as the last 24 hours)
Sheepy (Jeremy) thanks for the blond joke, we have one on board and plenty of Corn Flakes so I might set her a task to do. Thanks Bob (The Moth) for your well wishes also. John Cowpe from Yoti, I received a message with no data on the Sat phn from you, I assume it was by error but if not please re-send remembering it is SMS size text only (max 160 Characters includes your email address) and no subject please
Monday, 1st November
Saturday, 30 October 2010, 1300 Hrs
Will be underway for Antigua within the next few hours. Thanks for the input the other day Duane. Will as discussed follow a route slightly to the south of the rhumbline so as to avoid (hopefully) the possible big hole in the wind in the middle of the Atlantic. Will finally have time to prepare some photos and a better updated log whilst underway as there will not be any other distractions whilst we are out of regular contact. ETA in the Caribbean anywhere between 2-3 weeks.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010, 1000 Hrs
28 27.96 N 16 14.693 W Tenerife, Marina de Santa Cruz
Arrived, now to find an internet for improved update. All went great.

Monday, 25 October 2010, 1230 Hrs
29 48 N, 014 50 W Approximately 110 Nm NE of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Wind N 18 Kts. Quite a good average for the last 24 hrs of just under 7 Kts downwind, as with yesterday the sea is a bit lumpy especially as we have been travelling over a “seamount” for around 90 Miles which I always find a bit confused weather and seaway wise. ETA probably Tenerife early Tuesday morning.
Sunday, 22nd October 1300 Hrs
31 17 N, 12 12 W, wind NNE 25 Kts, Running on a broad reach with 3 Reefs in the main and minimal headsail. The sea is a little messy so taking it easy but making good progress. All is well.
Saturday, 23 October 2010, 1200 Hrs
33 02 N, 09 36 W, Still somewhere off the Moroccan Coast. But at least approaching half way to the Canaries. Frank was a bit bored today so he decided to block the head and has now spent the last 3 hours unblocking it. Not sure but he is blaming Nicks cooking. The engine has been on for more than 24 hours now but Duane has organised a bit of wind this afternoon and building over the next few days. Will update again in around 48 Hrs
Friday, 22 October 2010, 1200 Hrs
34 43 N, 07 18 W, Somewhere off the Moroccan coast. No wind since around 5 am so under engine. All is well with nothing to report as crew just settling in to the underway routine
Thursday 21st October, 1400 Hrs
Leaving for the Canary Islands. NOTE TIME CHANGE NOW ON UTC + 00
Wednesday, 20 October 2010, 1400 Hrs
Provisioned and ready to leave Gibraltar within the next few hours. Still need to fuel which happens after clearing customs and immigration. Slightly delayed organising the fourth crew member and preparations for such a long crossing ahead just seems to take forever. Still haven’t tested the satellite connection with the new ISP but hopefully this will go smoothly for a change.

Monday, 18 October 2010, 2200 Hrs
36 08.15 N, 5 21.38 W, Gibraltar STILL
Will update soon but have been busy provisioning and preparing by day to leave for the Atlantic. By night or any other spare moment has been learning how to be a webmaster and change internet hosts. If you have been trying to contact me then I have not had an email since October 6th. These have been lost but from now on all seems to be working fine.
Will fill in some blanks when time permits. Peter
Thursday, 14 October 2010, 0930 Hrs
36 08.15 N, 5 21.38 W Queensway Quay Marina, Gibraltar

Wednesday, 13 October 2010, 1130 Hrs
36 38 N, 003 59 W, Still unkind conditions so slowly making our way to Gibraltar. It seems I didn’t quite solve any communication connections as my ISP has caused hundreds of dollars in attempting to upload our position via Satellite. ETA Gibraltar early Thursday.

Sunday, 10 October 2010, 1400 Hrs
37 33 N, 00 50 W, Approx 10 Nm East of Cartagena, Spain. Intending to stop briefly for fuel as the weather has been a little unkind in the last 36 hrs. Between no wind for most of the time we were hit with SW winds of 25 – 35 kts last night making progress slow. Eventually we made an anchorage inside “Cabo De Palos” early this morning to let the worst of the sea state pass. Forecast is for continuing wind on the nose followed by none for Monday which means fuel is critical for an arrival in Gibraltar Tuesday morning.
Have had difficulty with the Satellite connection which hopefully has been sorted out now for the rest of the trip. Next update will be after arrival in Gibraltar once a cheaper internet is sourced.

Friday, 8 October 2010, 1200 Hrs
35 Nm NW of Mallorca, Spain. The wind has died off now so under engine again. All is well as we get to learn the sound of the different alarms that sound from the nav area (low battery, radio alarm before weather forecasts and waypoint arrival) similar weather conditions expected until Saturday night.
Thursday, 7th October 1000 Hrs
42 13 E, 02 46 N, Wind NE 10-15 Kts. All is going well. Alex and Peter (new owners ) will be happy to know that Sagres III sails well in light winds on and behind the beam which is what we have been experiencing since turning the engine off this morning when the wind came in. Motored most of the night in pleasant conditions.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010, 1945 Hrs
Leaving For Gibraltar, Next update approx 2 days
Tuesday, 5 October 2010, 1500 Hrs
43 24 58 N, 6 46 30 E Santa Lucia Marina, St Raphael, France. Pretty much prepared to leave for Gibraltar just waiting on the current “Mistral” to subside a little. My apologise for the delay in updating this web page. Things can move slowly around here just trying to organise things like internet and phone access can be time consuming. Anyway hoping to leave maybe tomorrow and straight for an English speaking country. Don’t get me wrong the people are nice enough but even provisioning can be difficult just reading the food labels.

Notes on Communication: – Please feel free to send SMS messages via your email
direct to the satellite phone on board. Simply click the “free” link shown on
the top of this page or type the address as
Its only a maximum of 160 Characters and you need to leave the subject or
message header blank