Some points you may consider when deciding whether to employ an experienced, qualified professional Delivery Skipper
Crew supplied
With the an extensive range of crew available, almost two hundred of whom have been on trips with me over the last 25 years coupled with an additional list of several hundred more prospective crew, timely commencement and continuity of your delivery can be assured of.
Weather routing
Whilst underway, assistance from professional Weather Routers and routing services are utilised, as well as all forms of communication for weather updates and forecasts. In remote areas forecasts and routing information is sent directly to my satellite phone.
Experienced passage planning
With over 250,000 nautical miles, and over 25 years experience in yacht deliveries all aspects of passage planning are thoroughly researched and meticulously implemented.
Our number one priority is the safety of the crew and vessel. This priority is at the forefront of all decisions made in the planning and execution of your yacht delivery.
Minimal damage and Costs
Experience has shown that through conservative sailing and engine use accidental damage and wear and tear can be eliminated or at least kept to a minimum. Please note the insurance of the vessel is the responsibility of the owner at all times.
Equipment checklists and thorough preparation
Knowledge of hundreds of different vessels over the years has contributed to the development of extensive checklists and procedures for preparing your vessel for the voyage yet ensuring minimal additional costs.
Reasonable time frame
Your estimate will include a reasonable time frame from start to finish with due consideration as to the safe yet timely delivery of your vessel.
Feedback and recommendations
On delivery receive feedback, tips and recommendations on suggested modifications/ repairs or how to get the best out of your boat.
Position updates on the web
You, your family and friends can follow the position of your vessel via regular updates to the Internet.
if you have already received an estimate there is additional information on your Estimate FAQ’s hereFAQ,s on your Estimate