FAQ,s on your Estimate

The exact dates available may or may not coincide precisely with your current plans. In some peak periods bookings are often taken several months in advance. Although things often change it is recommended bookings are made sufficiently in advance to assure your boat arrives at the earliest and most suitable time. Exact commencement dates are also weather dependant.

Generally I request 50% of my fee plus estimated expenses in advance with the balance remaining due on completion of the delivery.

Your estimate assumes your vessel is in good working order and has the appropriate equipment and safety gear on board for the passage to be undertaken.

The amount estimated is for the full trip and allows for provisioning and preparing the boat as well as possible and probable stops along the way due to weather and other conditions.

Times estimated are start to finish (I am Sydney based) If the delivery it takes longer than estimated I charge only half my usual rate, in other words an incentive for me to complete your delivery ASAP. If your delivery is completed sooner the original amount quoted still applies.

All charts, pilot books, and other equipment supplied are owned by myself. Crew (usually supplied by me) are expected to provide their own personal safety equipment i.e. harnesses, tethers, strobe etc. I will loan these if required in some cases.